Oceans of Hope relies upon the continued support of our corporate sponsors, partner affiliations, charitable grants and trusts.
Their assistance is vital to funding our Challenges and supporting so many people with MS to experience new possibilities.
We are hugely appreciative for the commitment and backing of our partners.

Superyacht Charities
Superyacht Charities was setup by a group of 5 friends within the Superyacht industry to support the growth and funding of small not-for-profit and non-government funded charitable organisations.
Active since 2012, it has now formalised its charity efforts to create the Superyacht Charities Foundation.
The purpose of the foundation is to promote and assist in the raising of funds for charities that superyacht professionals both participate and donate to. With funds from SYC, Oceans of Hope have been supported to grow and develop, giving help directly to people in most need and continuing to create life-changing opportunities.

Hilary’s Dream Trust
Hilary’s Dream Trust was established to help adults who are disabled or financially disadvantaged to fulfil their sailing dreams. The charity can act as a source of information or help with the financing of a project.
With their support, Oceans of Hope have enabled over 50 people living with MS to experience the benefits of sailing.
“Hilary’s Dream Trust is proud to be associated with Oceans of Hope UK. The Trust was set up to enable many adults to experience the joys and benefits of sailing; thanks to Oceans of Hope we know that our financial support helps to achieve this.”

RYA Sailability
Being affiliated to the RYA Sailability scheme has enabled Oceans of Hope to connect our participants with opportunities to keep active locally, improve wellbeing, increase physical activity, learn new skills and continue their sailing journeys.
Many have gained the first level of an RYA competence at sailing qualification and some of our more experienced sailors have completed ‘Day Skipper’ training. RYA training offers tangible evidence that people who may be struggling with many compromises in life can learn new skills and gain new qualifications.