

Celebrating Magnificent Volunteers

Oceans of Hope UK volunteers

1-7 June 2023 is National Volunteers’ Week, offering the perfect opportunity to shine a spotlight on some of the magnificent people who volunteer for Oceans of Hope UK.

In The Netherlands we have a team of three superstars who have been invaluable in helping to organise events; Judith Jans, Thea Veldman and Minse de Bos Kuil.

Judith and Thea’s first experience with Oceans of Hope UK was when they joined us for our flotilla in Croatia. Since then, they have been an unstoppable force, organising events themselves in The Netherlands.

Despite the interruptions of Covid, they have played a crucial part in organising events for new sailors, bringing over 100 people with multiple sclerosis into the family, and a further 40 on upcoming events in September 2023.

Minse, Thea and Judith all have an unwavering passion, commitment and enthusiasm for Oceans of Hope UK and are always discovering new ships and exciting sailing opportunities for the people we support.

Judith said:

“The connection, the positive vibe, meeting beautiful people who get so much strength from this journey, gives me such a good feeling. You are never alone again.”

Nicola Kaufman and Robert Munns, Founders of Oceans of Hope UK, are incredibly proud to be working with them.

Robert said:

“The team in The Netherlands have been fundamental in developing the organisation and we hope that this will continue for many years to come!”

Happy Volunteers’ Week to our dutch crew, and everyone else who gives up their time freely to bring hope to people living with multiple sclerosis.

The connection, the positive vibe, meeting beautiful people who get so much strength from this journey, gives me such a good feeling. You are never alone again.

Judith Jans, Oceans of Hope Volunteer

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